Apex Gaming

[MilitaryRP] Server Rules

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to read and abide by our server rules, failure to do so may result in a punishment.

General Rules
1.) Do not RDM/VDM.
Extended:PVP kill outside of a sim, raid, tryout, trespassing or war instance. RDM is with a firearm, VDM is with a vehicle. You may use your vehicles as weapons during a war.
Punishment:Intent to MassRDM is a permanent ban. RDM is a warning, RDMx2 is a warning, RDMx3 is MassRDM (2 weeks).

2.) Do not NLR.
Extended:This includes going back to a raid after you've been killed, or returning to the place you died at last life and knowing what happened.
Punishment:Warning for NLR.

3.) Racism, harassment, sexism, and all other forms of disrespect are not tolerated in any form OOC.
Extended:Don't call someone a fat retarded nigger.
Punishment:Disrespect/Racism/Sexism is a warning. Harassment is a 1 week ban.

4.) Do not RDA.
Extended:Arresting someone for no reason is RDA.
Punishment:RDAx1 is a warning, RDAx2 is a warning, RDAx3 is MassRDA (1 week).

5.) Do not FailRP.
Extended:Anything you do that wouldn't happen in the realmilitary is considered FailRP. Bhopping is considered 2 jumps in 5 seconds. Headglitching is no longer considered FailRP.
Punishment:Warning, excessive FailRP is a 1 week ban (no intent to RP).

6.) Do not meta-game in any form.
Extended:Revealing IC information over OOC, or using the advert/comms functions to reveal OOC information is meta-gaming.
Punishment:Warning for metagaming.

7.) Do not break server rules in order to try and enforce rules upon others, by acting as an administrator.
Extended:RDMing someone because they are breaking a rule is breaking this rule.
Punishment:Waring for vigilanteism. Excessive RDM to enforce rules is MassRDM.

8.) Do not impersonate anyone.
Extended:Changing your name to resemble another player, or attempting to recreate a player's name is impersonation. Staff will ask you to change your name first before issuing a punishment.
Punishment:1 week ban.

9.) Do not spam anything.
Extended:Spamming smoke/flashgrenades (maliciously), spamming chat, spamming your microphone (media, voice, or anything else), etc.
Punishment:Warning for spamming.

10.) Do not vote demote anyone.
Extended:This one is pretty self-explanatory.
Punishment:Warning for vote demoting, attempting to vote demote staff on duty is a 1 week ban.

11.) Do not use the report system for non-report reasons.
Extended:Reporting a staff member because you want to talk to them, or reporting another player just so you can get in a sit with them to ask them a question.
Punishment:Warning for False Report.

12.) Do not shoot or kill staff on duty.
Extended:This one is also self-explanatory.
Punishment:Warning for RDM.

13.) Do not stand directly next to a spawn in attempt to spawn kill.
Extended:Standing in the spawn in order to kill players as soon as they spawn.
Punishment:Warning for spawnkilling, and you will be returned to your respective base/slayed.Excessive spawnkilling is a 3 day ban (more than 5 kills).

14.) Sims have to resemble or simulate relevant warfare.
Extended:Simulations are team vs team operations that are usually just to sharpen your skills at a certain task. Calling a sim so you can kill a whole bunch of people for no reason is not a sim.
Punishment:Warning for RDM if it is not relevant warfare, kills may add up to MassRDM and a ban will be issued.

15.) You may not kidnap anyone, for any reason.
Extended:Self explanatory.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

BONUS RULE: Use common sense, don't attempt to create loopholes in the rules to your benefit.

Miscellaneous Rules
1.) You have the right to deny someone who is trying out for your faction's tryouts.
Extended:You must have a valid reason (non-baised), but you can deny them the privilege to try out.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP if there isn't a non-baised, valid reason.

2.) Do not change your jobs to something and create your own "subfaction" or "group" without Manager+ permission.
Extended:This does not pertain to squads for war, sims, or tryouts.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

3.) You must advert "DEBRIEF DISMISSED" when a debrief is over.
Extended:This is to help the enemy country know when they are allowed to raid.
Punishment:Failure to do so will result in a warning for FailRP.

4.) Only MPs are allowed to guard the US entrances.
Extended:Officers and "appointed soldiers" will be told do stop.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

5.) You may not discharge your weapon inside your base without proper reasoning.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

6.) You cannot have a sub-faction without Super Admin approval.
Extended:Any group that has training and is not temporary, is considered a sub-faction.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

7.) You may not resist arrest if you continue to break a rule after being warned through an advert, and told through voice or text chat to stop.
Extended:This does not apply if you are being arrested falsely.
Punishment:Warn for FailRP.

8.) You may not use the Bail NPC unless you are MP or ANP.
Punishment:Warn for FailRP.

9.) MP/ANP may only bail players thattheircountry has arrested.
Extended:US cannot bail Tali, and Tali cannot bail US.
Punishment:Warn for FailRP.

10.) You may not kill people inside their respective base walls.
Punishment:Warn for RDM.

11.) You may not sit outside an enemies' base with the intent to kill them as they leave.
Extended:If you can see the walls of the enemy base, you are too close.
Punishment:Warn for Basecamping, 3+ kills is a 1 day ban, 5+ kills is a 3 day ban.

12.) You may not host "all are welcome" tryouts.
Extended:Afghani country tryouts can only be attended by Afghani country members, and vice versa for US. No exceptions.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP, and a dismissal of non-country members attending the tryouts.

Chat Rules
1.) Advert is only used for important role-play information.
Extended:Calling a raid, calling a sim, calling tryouts, staff information, and other important server information is what advert will be used for.
Punishment:Warning for False Advert.
2.) Do not post links in chat unless its a link to the Apex Gaming forum, or to an official roster for your faction.
Extended:Anything else will require an Admin+'s permission to grant you permission to post any links.
Punishment:Warning for non-approved link. Links to IP Loggers (Hacking/Cheating), other servers forums (Advertisement), or anything of that variety is a permanent ban.
3.) Do not advertise staff apps in-game.
Extended:Don't ask players/staff to look at your staff application.
Punishment:Staff application denial.
4.) Normal chat, microphone chat, whisper (/w), yell (/y), and private message/pm (/pm name), are all considered in character.
Extended:Local chat may be considered OOC sometimes, but be careful not to meta-game.
5.) /comms is for server-wide in-character chat.
Extended:This is used but not limited to asking the location of certain faction members, or requesting assistance at an objective.
Punishment:Using /comms for OOC purposes will get you warned for metagaming.
6.) If you post an offer or bind in OOC, you may not post it in chat again for 30 minutes.
Extended:If it is for a forum post to spread awareness, you may post every five minutes (You may do it without a limit if you are given permission from an Admin+).
Punishment:Warn for spamming.

Car Rules
1.) You cannot drive an enemy vehicle in a war.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.
2.) Do not shoot at cars for no reason.
Punishment:Warning for RDM.
3.) Do not advert or use OOC for an "uber" or "taxi" driver.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.
4.) You may not honk your horn to annoy people near bases or training.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.
5.) You must have a reason to enter a vehicle owned by a member of a different country.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

Rules ofEngagement, Factions and War
Rules of Engagement

1.) Do not shoot someone unless they shoot you first.
Extended:This can also pertain to friendly country members. The shooter must do damage to you or your country member before you can fire back.
2.) Afghani members with no guns are considered civilians.
3.) Anyone with a RPG/Bomb/Explosive out is KOS.

Faction Rules
Chain of Command

1.) You must follow orders from a player who is a higher rank than you in your country.
Extended:You don't need to follow orders from a player who is not in your country.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

1.) Do not give yourself a promotion.
Punishment:2 day ban.

Permission to Speak (PTS)
1.) PTS is a form of communication control used by your faction leadership.
2.) When PTS is active, you may not speak without being granted permission to speak.
Extended:Officers may demote enlisted members of their respective faction for breaking PTS.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP (if reported).
3.) You may request PTS by typing "PTS" in chat.
4.) PTS requests may be auto-denied if determined appropriate by your leadership.

KOS Zones
1.) Non Afghans in Afghan town are KOS.
Extended:Unless granted permission from an officer, or a global tryout is being hosted in the base.
2.) Non US in US base are KOS.
Extended:Unless granted permission from an officer, or a global tryout is being hosted in the base.
3.) You can only place a temporary KOS on any location if you are using that location for Tryouts/Training/Simulations/Debrief.
Extended:Must be adverted, and must be unclaimed once you are finished.
4.) If someone is firing on you for being in a KOS zone, you cannot shoot back.
Punishment:Warning for RDM if you fire back.

Faction Leader
1.) If you are a new general, selecting your generals from officers (if there are empty general spots) is acceptable.
2.) Demoting people because you are a new general without a reason is unacceptable.
3.) Do not under any circumstances wipe the faction's roster.
Punishment:1 month ban for Faction Sabatoge.
4.) Do not be biased towards other players, negative or positive.
Extended:Mass promotions for friends are noticed,setting someone's rank to a rank they haven't earned is Mass Promo.
Punishment:Removal of rank.

Calling Raid or War
Calling Raid

1.) Raiding is on a cooldown.
Extended:The cooldown is seperate for both countries. It is 10 minutes.
2.) The only people who may call a raid must be the highest on in the country.
Extended:Unless given permission by the highest on in the country to call raid.
Punishment:Warning for False Advert if not given permission, and not highest on.
3.) You may only call raid when no tryouts/debriefs are in progress at the base.
Punishment:Warning for False Advert.
4.) You cannot raid within 60 seconds of a debrief being dismissed.
Punishment:Warning for False Advert.
5.) Once a raid is correctly called over, the raid stays over and cannot be undone.
Extended:Once the raid is called over by the person who called it originally, it is over.
Punishment:If someone falses a "raid over" advert, it is a warning for False Advert.
6.) Raids are considered false after "false" and a reason is called.
Extended:Adverting "false" and not stating why is invalid. Adverting "false (reason)" is valid.

Calling War
1.) Only Generals may request war objectives.
Extended:Unless there are no generals on, then it goes to the highest officer.
Punishment:Warning for False Advert.
2.) Do not call a civil war for any faction.
Extended:Any kills during a civil war will be stacked to the person who called it.
Punishment:Warning for False Advert and RDM. If it is more than 3 kills, MassRDM for the person who called civil war.
3.) You must start inside your respective base walls once a war starts.
Extended:Make sure you are inside your base walls at least2 minutes before the war starts.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP (pre-capping objectives).

Accepting War
1.) Only the highest ranking member of the country online may accept war.
2.) You cannot surrender in a war until there are 10 minutes left.

Silent Raiding
1.) The classes that can Silent raid are: MARSOC, Navy Seal Ghost, ISI Covert Operator and ISI Director.
Extended:Silent raiding is considered entering a base without a reason.
Punishment:Silent Raiding as a class that isn't listed here is a warning for FailRP.
2.) You may not return fire even if attacked.
Extended:If you are silent raiding, you cannot shoot back if they shoot you.
Punishment:Warning for RDM.

Class and Recruit Information

Donation Classes
1.) If you cannot treat the classes with respect, then you will be removed from them.
2.) Explosives (IE: Jihad Bomb, Matador, Nitro Glycerine) should only be used during Raids/Wars/Sims.
3.) When you donate for a class, you instantly get SGT in that faction.
Extended:All Afghan Elites are TALIBAN (not ALQ/IJU/ISI). All US Elites are ARMY (not USMC/GB/Navy/Rangers/MP). Your SGT rank is in those respective factions. If you play as a different faction with the donator class, you will play with your respective rank in that faction.

IS Bomber/Explosive classes
1.) You cannot have your own 'terror' attacks.
Punishment:Warning for RDM. If it is more than 3 kills, MassRDM.
2.) It is your responsibility to get permission to call a raid to use thebomb/RPG/Matador/Proxy Mine/etc.
Punishment:Warning for RDM. If it is more than 3 kills, MassRDM.
3.) You may not use the explosive weapons outside of raids, wars, sims, and tryouts.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP. Kills are RDM, more than 3 kills is MassRDM.

1.) You are a not recruit.
Extended:You may not be trained into a faction.
2.) You are only KOS when you enter a base.
3.) You are Neutral in a war.
3.) You are not allowed to use any weapons.
Extended:This does not apply to goats.
4.) You may be killed in a war and it will not be considered RDM.
Extended:You may not kill goats in a war.
5.) You may not protest/peace raid/organize and storm a country's base.
Extended:Civilians may not organize under a leader and mingerun into a factions' base.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

6.) Civilians may Bhop.

Regular Classes
1.) Meta-gaming is allowed in character.

You may enter the enemy base,disguised or not, and listen to their radio channels being given out, and other information. Then you can tell your country.
2.) COs and Directors may kill members of the opposing country in their base, unprovoked.
Extended:Using ISI as an excuse to RDM is unacceptable. You may however "RDM" if the need arises. Say your disguise wears off and you need to get out, you may kill US members who start questioning you/chasing you.
3.) Raiding as ISI is not allowed.
Extended:ISI members may not call raid, we can however participate in a raid orchestrated by afghan.
Punishment:Warning for False Advert, and RDM for however many kills.

4.) ISI "silent raid" cooldown is 10 minutes.
Extended:ISI COs and Directors can silent raid,but must wait 10 minutes between every silent raid.
Punishment:Warning for RDM for however many kills within the false silent raid.

5.) ISI doesn't command orders, or receive orders to/from Afghani members.
Extended:Seeing as the rank structure of ISI only goes up to the equivalent of 2LT, ISI cannot command other Afghani members, and vice versa.
6.) You may "impersonate" another player while undercover.
Extended:COs may change your nameto impersonate a member of the faction you chose to go undercover as.

Military Police / ANP

1.) You may not leave the designated perimeter of your respective base.
Extended:Do not leave the marked perimeter.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

2.) You may arrest people for breaking server rules, but you MUST report it afterwards.
Extended:The report system needs to be utilized. Report rule breakers AFTER they are apprehended.
3.) You may not assist in raids.
Extended:Self explanatory.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.

4.) You may act as a transport during a war.
Extended:You may not shoot at enemies, even if they shoot at you.
Punishment:Warning for RDM.

Recruit Training / Recruit information

1.) You cannot use a weapon as a recruit.
Punishment:Warning for FailRP.
2.) Leaving your respective base as a recruit subjects you to KOS by any and all factions.
3.) You are to listen to the GC/Staff/Officer training you.
Punishment:Failure will result in a warning for FailRP.
4.) MSGTs+, Staff, and GCs are the only people to train recruits.
5.) Recruits are required to go through basic training from a GC.
6.) Recruits have the option to join the US Army or Taliban.
7.) All Master Sergeants [E-8] and above must be trained Drill Instructors.
8.) If you are allowed to train new members for your country, that is your primary obligation.
Extended:If you don't train people as a GC you will be demoted.

[MilitaryRP] Staff Rules

Staff Rules
Staff must know all the server rules

1.) Be respectful to all community members.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

2.) Serve as a role model for other players.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

3.) You must have a sit before warning a player.
Extended: This does not apply to false advert, disrespect/racism in ooc, or bhopping.

4.) You may not handle your own sits UNLESS deemed necessary, and there's not a sufficient number of staff members online.

5.) NEVER harass other players.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

6.) NEVER question the final verdict of a higher up.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

7.) NEVER request a promotion.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

8.) NEVER own rules or alter the server rules in any way.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

9.) NEVER physgun doors or props.
Punishment: Verbal warning, if it continues; Demotion/removal of rank.

10.)NEVER abuse commands.
Punishment: Removal of rank.

11.) Do not use administrative commands UNLESS in case of emergency or if you are on duty.
Extended: This does not apply to false advert, disrespect/racism in ooc, or bhopping. The only time you should use administrative commands off duty is for MassRDM, or other extreme emergencies.

12.) When applying for staff, in the field: "Did you read the staff rules: the response should be your in-game-name, IE: "Did you read the staff rules: [AG] ItsNova"

13.) Do not use your tool gun (Admins can for events).
Extended: You may use your tool gun if given permission by a T.Admin+. (usually for ropes when the server restarts)

14.) Do not be biased towards other players.
Extended: If you don't like someone and they get reported, you are expected to handle the sit as if they were two people you haven't met. Handle a sit based on evidence, not on character.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

15.) Do not teleport to higher ups without their permission.
Extended: You may teleport higher ups if they are reported/place a report.
Punishment: Verbal warning.

16.) Do not set your anyone?s job to something they aren?t whitelisted for (Temporarily for tryouts is allowed).
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

17.) Do not whitelist anyone for a job that they didn?t tryout for.
Punishment: Demotion/removal of rank.

18.) Do not warn someone twice for the same reason in a single sit.
Extended: If they break a rule in a sit (leaving a sit/rdm in a sit) you may warn them in the sit, and warn them again for the punishment they were reported for.
Punishment: Verbal warning, if excessive, demotion/removal of rank.

19.) Do not ask people to look at your application unless they asked first.
Extended: This will lead to your application being denied.

20.) Do not use autoclicker/3rd party softwares
Extended: Claiming a sit instanenously using an auto-clicker is strictly forbidden
Punishment: Initially, a warning, further offenses will result in a demotion.

Staff Ranks Responsibilities
Trial Moderator
Handle Sits
Training Recruits

Handle Sits
Assist Mods
Training Recruits

Senior Moderator / Trial Admin
Handle Sits
Assist Mods
Training Recruits
Training new staff members

All of the above. Share your experience. Help manage the server and staff.

Ban length Handbook
Multiple Bans (3+): Permanent
Intentional MassRDM: Permanent
DDOS Threats: Permanent
Hacking/Cheating: Permanent
Advertising a Non-AG Server: Permanent
Mass RDM: (3+ Kills): 2 weeks
Mass RDA: (3+ Arrests): 1 week
No intent to RP (3+ FailRP warns in 24 hours): 1 week
RDMx2: + LTAP: 5 days
RDM + LTAP: 3 Days
Impersonating (Any form) (Tell them to change their name first): 1 week
Harassment (Already warned for disrespect and repeats to disrespect): 1 week
Self Promotion: 2 Days
Any Warn Offense: + LTAP: 3 Days

Warn Handbook
These go more into detail on the Server Rules.
False Advert (Something that has no RP value)
Disrespect in OOC (Excessive is harassment)
Leaving a sit
Spamming (Mic or with chat)
Impersonating another user
Abusing kill command
Posting a link without permission (Exceptions are AG links and Roster links)

Any action that?s not within the rules (Ex. Mugging someone)
Running on the US fence
Not following an order by a superior
Getting in a vehicle not owned by your faction (without permission)
Running away or attacking someone who kidnapped you
Locking your car after you get carjacked
If you have any questions about FailRP contact a superior

Do not warn for bannable offenses. Rules are subjected to change at any time!